Celebrate the lives and songs of Johnny Cash and June Carter, country music’s most iconic couple, in this energetic cabaret show. From their first meeting to their final days, follow the legendary pair’s storied relationship through the renowned songs that you know and love, as well as stories you may have never heard.
This biographical performance stars P.E.I. powerhouse duo Jacob Hemphill and Melissa MacKenzie accompanied by a rockstar band known for their sizzling solos, kick-ass grooves, and phenomenal showmanship. Featuring hit songs like “Jackson”, “Folsom Prison Blues, and “Ring of Fire”, don’t miss this lively performance created by P.E.I.’s Kitbag Theatre.
Preview Performance: July 6
Opening Night: July 10
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What are Relaxed Performances?
Sometimes referred to as sensory-friendly experiences, Relaxed Performances give the opportunity for those with various sensitivities towards sensory stimuli to experience and enjoy live theatre.
These performances will be designed in a way to be more comfortable for audience members who may experience anxiety or are not comfortable with some aspects of a traditional theatre setting. This can include people on the Autism Spectrum and their families; those with sensory and communicative disorders or learning disabilities; people with Tourette’s syndrome; someone who might need to move often due to chronic pain or to use the facilities; or even parents with toddlers.