Set primarily in and around Igloolik in 1922, the film depicts the encounter between a group of Inuit, led by one of the last shamans of the Canadian Inuit, and three Danish ethnographers during Rasmussen’s Great Sled Journey of 1922. The film is shot from the perspective of the Inuit, showing their traditional beliefs and lifestyle. The shaman and his entourage must ultimately decide whether to join the ranks of another group of Inuit who have converted to Christianity.
Produced by Isuma, Canada’s first Inuit-owned production company, the film received nominations for a Genie Award and the Rogers Best Canadian Film Award. It was included on the Toronto International Film Festival’s annual year-end Canada’s Top Ten list for 2006.
A conversation and questions will take place after the screening. The film is a great companion to the exhibition Arctic Visions, Arctic Life – on view until April 7 at Confederation Centre Art Gallery.